Dealing with a broken shoulder…

Don’t worry, I’m still here, and sorry for the silence. It hasn’t quite been the start to the year I had I mind. On the first weekend back after my 1st of 3 planned training camps, I was out on a bike ride on roads I’ve cycled hundreds of times. There was some grease/oil on a corner and before I knew it, I came off

Humble Pie and PBs

It has been a busy couple of weeks with two half ironman races on back to back weekends.  I entered Ironman 70.3 Gdynia in Poland on the 5th August, followed by the Challenge Turku in Finland on the 12th August.  Racing on consecutive weekends at this distance is never ideal so I wanted to see how quickly

Outlaw Holkham Half

I am very happy to be able to say that on Sunday I finished as the 2nd elite woman in the Outlaw Holkham Half Triathlon! This was a half ironman distance event (1900m swim, 90km bike and 21km run) in the depths of north Norfolk. Here’s 5 things I learned from the race on Sunday: